We could not map this address. Please click on the map to set the precise location.Once the address and location have been verified, click the "Confirm Address" button located below the map.The location is currently being confirmed. Thank you.
Preferred Appointment Time
Please select one to three times that will work for your schedule. We will do our best to accommodate your request. All Appointment times are tentative
(NOTE: This option is only displayed to team members, not clients)
-No additional charge for properties located within 150 km (round trip) of our Havelock office location. Additional KMs in excess of 75 km one way billed at $.65/km. Trips requiring more than 2 hours total drive time will also include a per hour charge for each hour exceeding 2 hours billed at $65/hr minimum charge 0.5 hours.
-Drone/UAV photography is subject to area/flight restrictions and regulations and may not be available in all areas.
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Thank you for placing your order. We will be contacting you soon to finalize day/time details